Library Closed: Presidents' Day

New Canaan Library will be closed on Monday, February 17 in observance of Presidents' Day.

New York Times

In addition to a daily digital issue of The New York Times, the Library provides access to digital issues of this newspaper from 1851-1922 and 1981- present. This database provides high resolution PDFs of all original articles and images.

Login Instructions:

If you are outside the Library attempting to access the NYT, please follow these instructions:

  1. Click on the green the ‘View New York Times’ button below to get started.
  2. Please enter your 14-digit New Canaan Library barcode number and click “Submit.”
  3. Next “Create An Account” using your email address and a password of your choice (write this down, you will need it for future logins).
  4. You will then be able to access a 24-hour group pass to the New York Times by clicking “Go to”. For the next 24-hours, you can go directly to to enjoy full digital access.
  5. During future visits you will follow steps 1-4 and then instead of creating a new account simply “Log-In” with the email address and password of the account you created. This will then reactivate a 24 hour group pass.

If you are inside the Library attempting to access the NYT, please follow these instructions:

  1. Navigate to
  2. Click “Register” to create an account with your personal email address, or “Sign In” if you already have created an account
Digital Library Type