Library Closed: Presidents' Day

New Canaan Library will be closed on Monday, February 17 in observance of Presidents' Day.

Study Room Usage Policy


New Canaan Library has several study rooms on the upper level, which may be used free of charge.  Four and Eight-person rooms are available for individual and small group use on a same day drop-in or advance reservation basis, as designated by Library staff.

Same Day Drop In:

  • Check in at the Upper Level Reference Desk for availability 
  • Sessions are for up to 90 minutes.  If no one is waiting for the room, time may be extended at Librarian’s discretion
  • Limit one session per day

Advance Reservation:

  • Study rooms may be reserved up to one week in advance on our website. Rooms 215 and 216 are limited to same day drop-in use (see above).
  • Check in at the Upper Level Reference Desk within 15 minutes of your scheduled time, or you may forfeit your reservation.
  • Rooms may be reserved for up to 90 minutes.  If no one is waiting for the room, time may be extended by a Librarian’s discretion at the Reference Desk.
  • Limit of one reservation/session per day

Terms of Use:

Outside groups and individuals may use the Study Rooms under the following conditions: 

1. Please check in and out with the Upper-Level Reference Desk for your Study Room Reservation. 

2. Minimum age to use four-person Study Rooms (215-218) is 15, or in at least 9th grade with student ID presented.  Minimum age to use eight-person Study Rooms (219, 221, 223) is 16.  All minors in a room must be of the minimum age/grade unless an adult is present.  

3. Group must adhere to capacity limits in Study Rooms: 4 people for Rooms 215-218, 8 people for rooms 219, 221,223.

4. Covered drinks are allowed, but no food is permitted in the Study Rooms. 

5. Study Rooms may be used only during the library’s regular hours of operation. The room must be cleaned up after use and vacated at least five minutes before library closing.     

6.  A group of individuals is considered an entity: members of that group may not book additional rooms for that day under an individual’s name and continue to meet as a group.

7. Study Rooms are suitable for small groups and relatively quiet activities only. Use of the Study Rooms may not interfere with the routine business or others’ enjoyment of the library.       

8. Individuals or groups who violate these expectations, the Library’s Code of Conduct, or who abuse the reservation rules or their intention may have their Study Room privileges revoked.



Date Effective:  November 2024

Next Review Date: October 2026


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